Sunday, March 2, 2008

Women's Edition: Internet Dating

I've been doing a lot of writing lately, mostly on what i see on a day to day basis in life, online, on tv, in my bible, wherever i can get info. However the subject that needs the most attention is dating. Internet dating is ever increasing and it looks as though it will not slow down. Looking through calssifides to see what others have to offer.....i'm shall we say less than impressed. Let us begin with us women, yes get prepared because "imma put you up on game."

As much as many of us, men and women, claim to be ready for something real, serious, seeking no games, looking for the one, taking a deeper look into the subject proves differently. Browsing through a popular website which shall remain namless, I ran across titles such as "Thick woman seeking good man." Now i know that there isn't much room to write your life story in the title but ladies let's be a little more original and write an eyecathcer that doesn't capture your "best" asset. I know that men are visual creature first so we have to get their attention somehow right? Now let's further explore another approach.

Being a woman of substance myself i know that we have to market ourselves differetly than "normal" (definition unknown) women. "Thick woman seeking good man" is not a title that will be remembered because women thick, thin, fat, skinny, sickly, etc, are all looking for a "good man." Here's a title that could be more promising; "Intriguing curvatious woman on the scene." This title leaves some mystery and it pulls you out of the other 8239476324932746 posts entitled "Thick woman in search of good man." In the body of your ad it is important to capitalize on more than just your looks, but let's not give them a biography. A good ad would be short with enough information to get replies from "good men." Now let's remember this is the internet and as crazy as men are out on the streets they're even crazier online so you will definately get responses that you don't want, that's life.

Remember, if you are "serious" about finding something "real", which can be found online despite the feelings of some, then you have to be HONEST! This is very important because if you plan on meeting up with someone, they'll find out exactly what you lied about in your ad. I've known some real good talkers that couldn't live up to what they wrote in their ads, so let's be on point ladies. An example of an acceptable ad would read: "First,thank you for choosing my ad to read out of the numerous, enticing i'm sure, ads by other women." This opening line will attract a guy who is seeking something serious from a well spoken woman, and it will turn off any man who has other intentions and bad taste in women, just kidding, or am I? Next tell your age and a little about yourself, remembering that honesty is the best policy. "I am a single 23 year old African American Female downt to earth, witty, and i enjoy good conversation. My interests are reading, dancing, and cooking. I would like to meet a man who is honest with common interests, has a sense of humor, and is also down to earth. I am not looking to jump the broom overnight, but to first establish a friendship and possibly go from there. Finding out more about me will be fun so let's do some verbal exploration shall we?" This ad is short and sweet, straight to the point. He should know by the end of it whether or not he wants to respond to this ad, he should not want to or have to second guess or click right to the next ad, that is if he's seriously looking.

Why not tell your weight? why not tell your height? why not indulge in how much money you make or don't make? Because these are things that should not be the reason a man is interested in you, not that he should ever know your weight anyway! Giving all of that information is not a good entrance into the start of something new. It's almost like an auction if you do it that way. 170, 5'6", 60,000, going once, twice, sold to the gentlemen with the knife in his hand! see my point? you'll attract attention that you don't want. Now that i've given a little insight on what to do and what not to do, rethink your plan of attack, make it interesting and don't overdo it, then see what happens! In my next blog i will definately get at the men on what to do and what not to do! Until then keep it real and be blessed.

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