Monday, April 11, 2011


It's been a year and some months since I've written and i believe it is time to let it all out. I have the time now that I'm unemployed and i have sooooo much inside of me but i haven't the words to put it on paper yet, however something i wrote today struck some nerves in my fingers and i know it's almost that time. I tend to be a little deep at times but it's just what comes out when i sit down to write. A lot happens in a year, let me repeat that A LOT HAPPENS IN A YEAR and that only means that my writing will be even better this time around i just need to get people to read it lol. This is just my little intro before i start to "roll out the dough" <-----using 100 thousand dollar cooking phrase, think I'm lying? Just ask Sallie Mae, but i digress! Thanks for tuning in folks. Peace, Love, and all things good!

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